Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Martha Mentality

As a pastor, sometimes I get the Martha mentality. You know what I mean - busy about many things. Oh, I love the Lord and enjoy my time with Him, but man oh man can the list of things to do crowd my mind and time.

Martha engaged herself in much serving, while Mary sought the better thing - to sit at Jesus' feet. Martha wasn't sinning, nor was she doing anything evil, but she became so engaged in service that she didn't stop and recognize who she was serving. Perhaps she was a little OCD (anyone identify with that?).

I have learned to discipline myself as King David did - when my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I. I know that when there is so much to do and I become distressed, that is the time I must stop and spend time at His feet - and it helps me rest, refocus, and refresh as to why I do what I do in the first place.

Monday, February 18, 2008


I'll be honest - I'm not a fitness buff. I know I need to be more active, and am setting a goal to accomplish that this year. Going headlong into intensive workouts would be foolish as well as unhealthy for me. I need to stretch and warm-up before I get active, or I might pull something, like one of those muscles in places that you didn't know you had. Yeah.

The same is true in ministry. Sometimes we think we are ready for what God has, but He leads us through a process of stretching and warming up, because He knows if He launches us into something that we aren't prepared for, we could hurt ourselves and others as well.

Right now I feel the pain of God stretching me - while not thoroughly enjoyable, it is exciting to know that the stretching means something is on the horizon, and I want to be ready for what is ahead!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Empowering Leadership

I was thinking just the other day about a youth pastor I had in my late teens, early twenties. This guy looked past my shy shell and saw something in me that I didn't see in myself. I had a little musical talent, but certainly wasn't any type of prodigy. My "friend" that brought me to the group told the youth pastor that I played guitar, and before I could think, I had agreed to bring my guitar the next week. In a matter of a few short months, this guy actually had me "preach" my first message to the group. Who would have thought that later that year that God would call me into the ministry (not what I would have planned for my life)?

Nathan was an empowering leader. He believed in me, a young man that didn't beleive in himself. And as a result, he inspired me to become all that God wanted me to be. He has helped me to do the same for others.

How can you inspire others to greatness? Let me know your thoughts.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Coming Up For Air

I'm not a griper and don't plan to start. It just isn't a healthy practice and I don't believe it pleases God. And now you are expecting the "BUT" - well, not really.

I am 3 1/2 years into my first solo / lead pastor post, and am still excited about what God has for me, my family, and our church. All the time I ask God for wisdom - help me to do what I am supposed to be doing, and to delegate or leave the rest. That is easy in word, harder in practice. It is difficult to hear those who say how easy it is to do. I am learning to set boundaries, not say "yes" to everyone and everything, and to delegate things that I don't need to be doing. It is challenging for a perfectionist personality to release things to others, because they may do it differently or not up to "my" standards. How many perfectionists can say a hearty "Amen" to that? But how important it is to help others discover their gifts and not hinder them for fear they may do it "wrong".

So while some days I feel like I'm trying to come up for air, it is far better than sitting on the shore afraid of the water!