Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Catalyst Groups

If any of you pastors are not connected to other pastors, engaging in relationships that build your faith, strengthen your resolve, and encourage you to action - I urge you to find a connection. The PennDel District of the Assemblies of God has encouraged and promoted these groups inside of its structure, however, you don't have to be an AG pastor to be a part.

I have found in the Catalyst group that I belong to at APC that I have often been strengthened and encouraged, and built up in my spirit because of the connection with others in ministry. The Lone Ranger is one who will find himself/herself in danger. When you are the only one who is right, when you don't "need" anyone else, when you don't take the time to connect, you are in the danger zone.

And don't be like the one who will join Procrastinators Anonymous. Tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

No More Cliche's

One of the things that I believe turns people off to the Gospel is the use of Christian cliche's. Inside church walls we have our own language at times - something I call "Christianese", where if you don't know it - you're lost. What people today (and really always) is for people who are madly in love with God, and are real at the same time. Yeah, we go through stuff and struggle at times, but we have found that God helps us, gives us peace, gives us strength, and that helps it be ok.

I'm starting this year out preaching a 6 week series called "Under Construction" getting back to the basics of Christianity - and helping us become true disciples of Christ, ones that serve Him because we love Him. Sorry for the "preachy" sound, but man I've got a fire shut up in my bones - as Jeremiah did!