Friday, June 29, 2007

God's Will, God's Bill

Anybody who is in full time ministry knows the challenges that come along with the territory. As I said in my last post, tons has gone wrong with equipment and buildings, but I understand that God knows, and these buildings are His - so, I'm confident that all things will work together for the good - as the Word says.

On a positive note, I attended the Pastor's Roundtable at Allison Park Church this week, and God renewed some things in my spirit that I had let go dormant. Praise God for His faithfulness. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength today!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Another Test of Faith

So our church owns this other old church building that needs a bizillion dollars worth of work and we are trying to sell it. The sales price is a give away, but twice now the deal has fallen through. Not sure what God wants for that building. What do you do when you don't know what to do? I'm sure I could get a plethora of suggestions, but the one I really want to hear from is God. The Bible says He orders our steps, so I'm just asking for the next step. Just like Peter!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Stressed Out!!!

I'm excited about what God is doing in me and at the church.  There is a new hunger for God in hearts.  Had a great board meeting Monday night - BTW, my board is fantastic.  I have the confidence that we are going to the next level.  Tuesday strolls along and deals out frustration in the form of a failed appeals hearing (for a piece of property), our projector will be another two weeks getting repaired, and on top of that, the church was flooded - found it Wednesday morning when I came in.  After some much needed time with God, I determined that this is only a minor setback.  And that I need to have something make me laugh - to help me reboot and start fresh today.  That's what this video did for me.  Enjoy!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Time is of the essence

Time. It is a gift to us each day. I won't bore you with the facts about how many minutes, hours, blah, blah, blah. The truth is that as a pastor you never feel like you have enough time - regardless of whether you are bi-vocational (God bless you for your committment), pastor of a smallerwork (under 200), or a larger church (200 +).

So how do I get it all done? What works for me is making a list of what needs to be done, and then prioritizing that list. Some emergencies cannot be helped and they will interrupt your list, while some are a lack of planning on someone else's part. I say that a lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part. You are the ultimate manager of your time, and if you do not manage it, it will manage you. If interruptions have become the norm of your day - set some guidelines for your accessibility and stick to them.

And never lose the God-sized Dream that He put in your spirit!