Tuesday, October 16, 2007


One of the more challenging aspects of being the lead/solo pastor is that so many things vie for your attention. Administrative work, phone calls from people wanting to come preach, managing the day to day operation, hearing from God and casting vision, damage control, etc. - I don't need to tell you that all of these things can cause you to lose focus.

Learning to say "no" to some things, delegating tasks to others(even though they may not do it the way you would), developing priority lists (and sticking to them) are all ways to regain your focus. As one wise person said - Don't work harder, work smarter. Focus is so important - an incandescent bulb can illuminate a room, but it can't cut steel - take the light and focus it - it becomes a LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)capable of doing serious damage to a piece of steel.

I don't want my life to amount to "This little light of mine . . . ", when God has so much more when we focus on what He wants for us to do.


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